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Messages - mgrkovic

Here is a solution to the problem with JComments 3.0.7:
Joomla version is 3.8.11 and PHP version is 7.1
1. With FileZilla or on another way, rename folder "public_html/plugins/system/jcomments" to "public_html/plugins/system/jcomments1".
2. We can now enter in the backend administrator panel.
3. Download "" from
4. Install the file "" in Joomla.
5. If everything is OK – delete folder " jcomments1" in "public_html/plugins/system/".
Kod otvaranja početne stranice javlja se greška "syntax error, unexpected 'JArrayHelper' (T_STRING)".
Ne mogu ući ni kao administrator.
Greška je nastala kada sam radio update ekstenzija.
Označio sam nekoliko - čini mi se kako je bio i Jcomments među njima.
Odradio sam to rutinski na brzinu pa nisam siguran za ostale ekstenzije.
Molim za pomoć.
Unaprijed zahvaljujem.